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Le invitamos a participar en las nominaciones de candidatos para el premio Maria Moors Cabot, el premio más antiguo al periodismo internacional. Se entrega este premio a periodistas que, a través de la constancia en su trabajo a lo largo de su carrera, han contribuido a mejorar las relaciones en el continente americano y a fomentar un mayor entendimiento panregional.

Favor de llenar el formulario de nominación antes de la fecha límite del 17 de marzo, 2025.

¿Quién puede ser nominado?


  • Cualquier periodista y/o ejecutivo que trabaje para una empresa de medios en las Américas, o cualquier asociación de prensa, servicio o agencia de noticias que desarrolle una labor profesional para este tipo de organización;


  • Periodistas freelance que lleven gran parte de su carrera cubriendo la región;


  • Medios, cualquiera sea su aporte, incluyendo las publicaciones en Internet y los blogueros.

Información sobre las nominaciones

  Si conoce un periodista o una organización que merezca ser reconocido/a con un premio Cabot, llene este formulario junto con el material correspondiente.

  Tal como se indica más adelante, los documentos suplementarios deberán presentar en formateados como .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .jpg, .xls.


  • Todos los documentos enumerados a continuación en el formato adequado.


  • CV del postulante, que deberá detallar su formación académica, su experiencia periodística y su servicio público con las fechas correspondientes


  • Una declaración que describa cuál es el aporte que ha hecho el candidato para mejorar la relación entre las Américas a través de su trabajo


  • Al menos cinco pero no más de diez (sin autorización previa) artículos de diarios o revistas que sean representativos del trabajo del candidato. Se recomienda la presentación de versiones para impresión en papel tamaño carta estándar. 


  • Para las entradas de vídeo y radio favor de incluir los links con las contraseñas apropriadas.  Los links deberán permanecer disponibles en línea hasta noviembre del 2025.  


  • Una a tres cartas de apoyo que expliquen por qué el candidato merece ser nominado.

La fecha límite es el 17 de marzo, 2025. No serán tenidas en cuenta las postulaciones incompletas.

**Si usted ha sido contactado respecto a una nominación anterior que será considerada para el 2024, por favor suba ejemplos de artículos o reportajes recientes a través del formulario de nominación.**

Nos convidamos você a participar das premiações de candidatos/as para o Prêmio Cabot, o prêmio mais antigo do jornalismo internacional.  Os Prêmios Cabot,  são concedidos para coberturas de excelência sobre a América Latina e o Caribe pelos/as melhores jornalistas no hemisfério ocidental.  

 Este prêmio é concedido a jornalistas que, em seu trabalho, e ao longo de sua carreira, têm contribuído a promover um maior entendimento pan-regional no continente Americano.

Favor subir todos os documentos no formulário antes do prazo de entrega no 17 de março, 2025.

Quem pode ser premiado?


  • Qualquer jornalista e/ou executivo/a que trabalha para uma empresa de mídia nas Américas, ou qualquer associação de imprensa, serviço ou agência de notícias que desenvolva um trabalho profissional para este tipo de organização;

  • Jornalistas freelance que levam uma grande parte da sua carreira cobrindo a região;


  • Mídia, qualquer seja sua contribuição, incluindo as publicações na internet e dos/as blogueiros/as.  

Informação sobre as premiações

 Se você conhece um jornalista ou uma organização que mereça ser reconhecido/a com um prêmio Cabot, preencha o formulário junto com o material correspondente.  

 Como indicado abaixo, os materiais devem estar formatados em arquivo .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .jpg, .xls.  


  • CV do candidato, deve apresentar a sua formação acadêmica, sua experiência jornalística e seu serviço público com as datas correspondentes.


  • Uma declaração que descreve qual é a contribuição que fez o candidato para melhorar as relações entre as Américas através de seu trabalho.  


  • Pelo menos cinco mas não mais que dez (sem autorização prévia) artigos de jornal ou revistas que servem como representação do trabalho do candidato.  Recomenda-se  a apresentação das versões para impressão em papel tamanho carta normal.  


  • Para as entradas das transmissões de vídeo e de radio favor de apresentar os links com as senhas se aplicável.  Os links devem ficar disponîveis até novembro de 2025.


  • Uma a três cartas de recomendação que explicam porque o candidato merece ser premiado.

O prazo de entrega é o dia 17 de março, 2025.  Não serão aceitas candidaturas incompletas.

**Se você já foi contactado com respeito a uma nomeação anterior que vai ser considerada para o 2024, favor de carregar exemplos de reportagens recentes através do formulário de candidatura.**

We invite you to submit nominations for the Maria Moors Cabot Prizes, the oldest international awards in journalism, founded in 1938. The prizes recognize a distinguished body of work that has contributed to Inter-American understanding.

Who is eligible?

 Any journalist and/or news executive who works for any news organization based in the Western Hemisphere or any press association or news service that serves such an organization; other individuals, including freelance journalists, with a long record of reporting on the region; all media, including online news outlets.

 To nominate:

 If you know a journalist or media organization that deserves to be recognized, please submit the completed nomination form and pertinent material by March 17, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Individuals may also nominate themselves.

 Supporting material will not be returned.

 As indicated below, please upload each of the following items and provide links for digital presentations.


  • Nominee’s biography and/or CV listing education, journalistic experience and public service, with dates.

  • A statement describing how the nominee has contributed towards international understanding in the Western Hemisphere.
  • At least five but no more than ten (without prior authorization) print/text articles, photographs, video or radio programs or online stories that are representative of the nominee’s work.
  • Please provide direct links to any media.  Otherwise, please upload it to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo. Links must remain live through November 2025. If your media is password protected, please provide the password.
  • One to three letters of recommendation from third parties that explain why the nominee is especially deserving of the prize.

     Supported document types include .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .jpg, .xls. Supporting multimedia presentations can be sent as links.

    **If you have been contacted about a previous nomination being considered for the 2024 cycle, please submit additional examples of recent reporting for consideration through the nomination form.**

The Meyer "Mike" Berger Award and its $1,500 prize is awarded for outstanding human interest reporting across platforms. Print, radio, broadcast and digital reporting are eligible for the award. All entries must have been published during 2024 in the U.S. In the case of a series or ongoing story, work that appeared in January 2025 will be accepted. Journalists who report in a foreign language should submit copies of original stories with an English translation. No entry fee is required.

ALL materials should be formatted and uploaded as PDFs. Supporting multimedia presentations can be sent as URLs. Links must remain live.

     If you know a journalist who deserves to be recognized, please submit the completed nomination form and pertinent material.

     To nominate a journalist, please submit the following materials:


  • A brief letter from the editor indicating the scope of the reporter's work.


  • A brief biography of the reporter.


  • Up to five articles/pieces published in 2024 that best typify the reporter’s work.

     Please keep in mind:


  • A series must be designated as such by the publication when it is printed; a regular column may also be submitted as a series.


  • If material is online, please provide direct links. Otherwise, please upload it to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo. 


  • For all visual elements, the name of the photographer or graphic artist should be included on all entry forms. 




The John B. Oakes Award is awarded for outstanding environmental reporting across platforms. The winner will receive $5,000 and will be recognized at a ceremony at Columbia Journalism School. All formats including text, audio and video reporting are eligible for the award. All entries must have appeared in the U.S. during 2024. The entry fee for each submission is $75. Entry fees are non-refundable.

How to Enter:

 All materials should be formatted and uploaded as PDFs or as links. Supporting multimedia presentations should be sent as URLs. Links must remain live through September 2025.

 To enter online, please fill out the entry form and upload supporting materials.

 Materials needed for entry:


  • One to five pieces of environmental reporting. Materials may be uploaded as PDFs or as links. 

  • Confirmation that the pieces appeared during 2024.

  • Broadcast transcripts for radio or video reporting, or if your online entry includes audio/video components.

 Supplemental materials such as a brief statement on the work as well as biographies of the persons who contributed to the pieces may be submitted.

 Please keep in mind:


  • A single article or a series of articles can be submitted. A series must be designated as such by the publication when it appeared. A regular column may also be submitted as a series.


  • If submitting a series, up to five articles can be submitted. 


  • The judges may divide the award among the writer, videographer, photographer, and illustrator, if their work substantially strengthens the winning story. 


  • A translation must be supplied for any article not written in English.


  • If a piece or series lives online, direct links may be provided. Otherwise, please upload the material to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo. 


  • For all visual elements, the name of the photographer, videographer, or graphic artist should be included on all entry forms.


  • Entry fees are non-refundable.


Columbia Journalism School - Professional Prizes